Professional Development Services

TABE's professional development services are designed to empower teachers and administrators in Texas with the tools and strategies needed to effectively educate emergent bilingual learners. These services not only enhance instructional skills but also foster a deeper understanding of cultural responsiveness, linguistic diversity, and the specific needs of bilingual students.

By participating in TABE's comprehensive workshops and training sessions, educators gain access to the latest research-based methodologies and best practices tailored for bilingual, ESL, and dual-language classrooms. With TABE's support, educators can create more inclusive and effective learning environments, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes and a stronger, more equitable educational system for all students.

For our current Professional Development offerings, please visit:

We would love to support your bilingual education community!

Just browse through the services below and contact us for a F2F or Virtual proposal.
We would be glad to customize some sessions for you as well!

Accelerating Instruction for Recent Immigrant Students (6 hrs)Teachers will explore a variety of instructional practices to better serve and understand immigrant bilingual students, focusing on providing diversified systems of support for different backgrounds and language levels.

Certification Preparation Sessions (6-12 hrs per exam): Teachers will analyze the components of the teacher certification exams with the purpose of ensuring their success during the test administration. Tests include STR, PPR, Core, Bilingual Supplemental, ESL Supplemental, and BTLPT.

Content-Based Language Instruction (6-15 hrs)Teachers will explore CBLI to better understand its three main elements: Second Language Acquisition, Diversified Systems of Support, and Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Practices and ensure an equitable education for emergent bilingual students in the content area classrooms.

Dual Language Overview (6-18 hrs): Teachers and administrators will explore the basic requirements of a well implemented dual language program, including the development of a biliteracy environment and the effective use of cooperative techniques, among others.

Emergent Bilingual Academies (6-36 hrs)Teachers and/or administrators will explore different topics in bilingual and ESL education to understand their role as instructional leaders in the classroom. Day 1: Second Language Acquisition; Day 2: Bilingual and ESL Program Models; Day 3: Content-Based Language Instruction; Day 4: Linguistic Accommodations and Designated Supports; Day 5: EB Accountability and Continous Improvement Process; Day 6: Dual Identified Students (EB with Special Needs and EB GT).

El desarrollo de la lecto-escritura en el aula bilingüe (6 hrs): Los maestros bilingües o duales de 2o-5to grado tendrán la oportunidad de explorar varias estrategias que le ayudarán a sus estudiantes a mejorar la comprensión lectora y a desarrollar sus habilidades de escritura en español para asegurar el éxito académico de sus alumnos en su primer idioma.

El desarrollo de la lecto-escritura temprana en el aula bilingüe (6-12 hrs): Los maestros bilingües o duales de PK-1er grado aprenderán cómo apoyar a sus estudiantes bilingües emergentes en las etapas tempranas de alfabetización en español por medio del enfoque en el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica, la fonética, la comprensión lectora, la escritura y la fluidez.

High Yield Strategies for Emergent Bilingual Students (6 hrs): Teachers will analyze and experience high-yield strategies to make content and language comprehensible and engaging for emergent bilingual students.

La práctica efectiva del español académico (6 hrs)
: Los maestros aprenderán y repasarán reglas básicas de gramática y de ortografía en español para mejorar su instrucción en el aula bilingüe.

Learning Centers for the Early Childhood Classroom (6-12 hrs)Bilingual teachers in PK-1 will learn how to create learning centers for their bilingual or dual language classroom. This is a make and take session where teachers will have an opportunity to create centers for all content areas. The training can be delivered in English or Spanish.

Practice and Application of Best Practices for EB Students (6 hrs)Teachers will analyze and experience best practices to make content comprehensible for emergent bilingual students, through the use of hands-on materials while integrating all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

Program Evaluations: Comprehensive Bilingual/ESL program evaluations in compliance with TAC Chapter 89.1265, including demographic data and STAAR/TELPAS results disagregated by grade level and campus, as well as professional development opportunities offered throughout the year.

Serving Emergent Bilingual Students with Special Needs (6-12 hrs)Teachers will explore how the 13 disability categories impact second language acquisition and how to utilize technology tools to make content accessible for emergent bilingual learners with special needs. Participants will also explore Universal Design for Learning and the Learner Variability Navigator to support their EB receiving special education services.

Sheltered Instruction (6-15 hrs)Teachers will delve deeply into sheltered instruction to learn how to make content comprehensible for emergent bilingual learners, including the development of content/language objectives, use of randomization techniques and total response signals, as well as structured reading and writing techniques.

Thinking Maps Initial Training (6-18 hrs): Are you interested in Thinking Maps® Training? Check out our website at!   For more information or questions, please contact Luann Flanagan at

For more information or to request a proposal, please feel free to contact Karina Chapa, Executive Director, at

Connect with us

PO BOX 37130
San Antonio, TX 78237


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